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Anabolic Steroids: A Fast Track to Gains or a Ticket to Fat?

  • Wednesday 18 September 2024
  • 5 minute(s) read

So, you’ve probably seen the guys at the gym who seem to pack on muscle overnight. You might’ve even heard whispers about their “shortcut” being steroids for muscle growth.

But what’s not often talked about is what happens after the steroid cycle. Sure, the muscle gains come fast, but what about the negative effects of steroids?

One of the most surprising and frustrating consequences of using steroids for muscle growth is fat buildup once those hard-earned muscles start to disappear. Let’s dive into why this happens and how steroids can backfire in ways you wouldn’t expect.

What Exactly Are Anabolic Steroids? (And Why Are They So Tempting?)

Anabolic steroids are man-made drugs that mimic testosterone, the hormone that’s naturally responsible for male traits like muscle mass and strength. While they're often used for medical conditions like delayed puberty or muscle-wasting diseases, some people use steroids for muscle growth. 1

However, the effects of steroids can become pretty gnarly if they aren’t used properly. We're talking about things like heart problems, infertility, skin issues, and abnormal bone growth. 1

Then there's the emotional toll. Steroids mess with your brain chemistry, so users sometimes experience mood swings, aggression, and depression, especially when they stop using them. There's also the risk of becoming physically or mentally addicted, which is why steroids are classified as controlled substances in the U.S. This means they can only be accessed with a prescription. 1

So why would anyone take the risk and use steroids for muscle growth? For some people, the lure of bigger, stronger muscles outweighs the potential downsides. However, the negative effects of steroids can be severe, and it’s important to be informed before making a decision that could affect your health long-term.

How Steroids Pump You Up

a man preparing a steroid injection

When it comes to bulking, many men turn to steroids for muscle growth. But how do these meds actually work? It comes down to a couple of effects of steroids on the body:

  • Increased protein synthesis: Anabolic steroids promote protein synthesis when they bind to androgen receptors in muscle tissue. Protein is the building block of muscles.
  • Preventing muscle breakdown: Steroids block a hormone called glucocorticoid, which naturally promotes the breakdown of proteins in muscles. 2

Overall, the muscle-growing effect of steroids is due to helping your body build more muscle while preventing the loss of existing muscle.

Here's the thing, though—once you stop using steroids for muscle growth, your body struggles to maintain that impressive muscle mass you've built up. You'll likely experience a rebound effect, where your temporary gains start to diminish, and unwanted fat accumulation begins. 

Where Does the Fat Come In?

When you stop using steroids, two things occur:

  • Your body cannot naturally maintain the inflated level of muscle you built up while taking steroids.
  • Your body’s natural testosterone level drops, leading to significant muscle loss. 3

While you're taking steroids for muscle growth, your metabolism gets a boost, too. More muscle mass equals a faster metabolism since muscle tissue burns more calories than fat. 4 However, when you stop using steroids, your muscle mass decreases, and if you continue to eat the same number of calories as you did, most of it will turn to fat. 5

On the other hand, if you don't consume enough calories to maintain your metabolism, your body will begin to break down your muscles for energy. This is why people who diet may lose weight fast at first, but it's mostly from water and muscle loss. 5

So, while steroids for muscle growth may seem like a quick solution, it's important to consider the effects of steroids and the long-term consequences.

The Steroid Trap: Why Guys Get Hooked

a man talking to a doctor

Steroids for muscle growth can bring quick gains, but there are serious side effects of steroids to consider. Most guys think, “I’ll just do one cycle of steroids and get jacked, then go back to normal.” But it’s not that simple.

After a steroid cycle, your body’s hormone levels get disrupted. Testosterone levels drop and your metabolism takes a nosedive. 3 This imbalance can lead to something called “rebound fat gain.” You lose muscle, gain fat, and suddenly, all those hard-earned gym gains from the steroids are gone.

This happens because of the hormonal imbalance caused by steroid abuse. Steroids mimic the male sex hormone testosterone. With prolonged use, your body gets used to having sky-high testosterone levels from the drugs. So, when you stop, your body's ability to produce testosterone on its own plummets. 3

The withdrawal symptoms and the physical changes cause many guys to turn back to steroids. Due to this, steroids for muscle growth can become an addiction.

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, it’s easy to get caught up in the desire to look good fast. Gym culture and constant comparison can push you to chase shortcuts like steroids for muscle growth. And yeah, the effects of steroids might give you the results you want now—bigger muscles, quicker gains, and more definition. But what happens when the cycle ends?

The fat gain after muscle loss is just one part of the story. Your metabolism slows down because your muscle mass decreases, and any excess calories you once needed for bulking up now turn into fat. Plus, the effects of steroids on your hormones can leave your natural testosterone levels in the gutter, making it even harder to keep the fat off. It’s a vicious cycle that many guys don’t see coming until it’s too late.

Then there’s the bigger picture. Steroids for muscle growth can mess with more than just your physique. Over time, they can take a serious toll on your heart, liver, and even your mental health. Depression, mood swings, and aggression are all known side effects, and these aren’t just temporary issues. The damage can last long after you stop using steroids.

The truth is, sustainable, natural progress might take longer, but it’s the healthiest way to build strength and muscle that lasts. Focus on improving your diet, fine-tuning your workout plan, and resting enough to let your body recover.

The content in this article is intended for informational purposes only. This website does not provide medical advice. In all circumstances, you should always seek the advice of your physician and/or other qualified health professionals(s) for drug, medical conditions, or treatment advice. The content provided on this website is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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