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Beyond the Scale: The Long-Term Effects of Tirzepatide

  • Tuesday 2 July 2024
  • 4 minute(s) read

Tirzepatide is a weekly injection designed to suppress appetite and control blood sugar levels. While early studies of tirzepatide show promising results for weight loss, 1 the medication is still very new. Many questions remain about its long-term effects and sustainability.

In this article, we’ll explore everything we currently know about tirzepatide and its effects. We’ll discuss when you can expect the medication to start working, whether weight regain is likely after discontinuing use, and how to push past weight loss plateaus.

When Does Tirzepatide Start Working?

Tirzepatide is absorbed into your body within 24 hours, but it takes about a month to reach a steady state concentration. 2 At steady state, the amount of tirzepatide entering and leaving your body reaches an equilibrium. This means you'll have a consistent level of the drug in your body actively working to help you lose weight. 3

When starting tirzepatide, your doctor will prescribe a low starting dose and gradually increase it monthly to minimize side effects while maximizing weight loss. It may take a few months to find a dose that helps you lose weight. Some people require a lower dose to see results, whereas others require a higher dose. 2

What Happens When You Stop Taking Tirzepatide?

patient consulting a doctor

In a recent study conducted in 2023, researchers analyzed the impact of discontinuing tirzepatide among individuals who were overweight or obese without diabetes. The study involved 670 participants who were split into two groups: 1

  • One group continued taking tirzepatide for the full 88 weeks of the study.
  • The other group took tirzepatide for 36 weeks, then stopped taking it for the remaining 52 weeks. 1

Initially, both groups achieved an impressive average weight loss of 21.1% while on tirzepatide. 1 But, once the second group stopped taking the medication, the results diverged dramatically.

  • The group that stayed on tirzepatide lost an additional 6.7% of their weight.
  • The group that stopped the medication regained almost 15% of the weight they had lost. 1

While disappointing, experts say these findings aren't surprising. They view obesity as a chronic, lifelong disease requiring continuous treatment. 4

So, what can you do to prevent or minimize weight regain after stopping a medication like tirzepatide?

The consensus is that weight loss medications should be used long-term, similar to treatments for other chronic illnesses like arthritis, asthma, or high blood pressure. If patients stop taking their medications for these diseases, their symptoms typically return quickly. 5

Similarly, weight loss medications like tirzepatide and semaglutide only temporarily mask the underlying biological drivers of overeating. When patients stop taking these drugs, their appetite dysregulation and cravings come back, often leading them to overconsume calories again. 5 To minimize weight regain, the medications should be used as chronic therapy, with the goal of long-term weight management rather than a quick fix. 4

Does Tirzepatide Cause Weight Loss Plateaus?

A frustrated woman laying down next to a weighing scale

Whether you're dieting, exercising more, or taking medications like tirzepatide, plateaus happen to almost everyone at some point. 6 The good news is there are solutions to get you moving forward again.

First, understand that plateaus are a natural consequence of weight loss. As you slim down, your body's "set point" - its comfortable weight range - gets disrupted. This activates hunger signals like ghrelin to maintain your weight. It can feel like tirzepatide stopped working, but really, your body is just pushing back out of habit. The drug is still doing its job. 6

In addition, as you lose weight, your metabolism and daily calorie needs decrease. For instance, if it took 2,000 calories a day to maintain your weight at a higher number, it may now only require 1,500 calories. Continuing with the same calorie restriction and workout routine may no longer provide enough of a deficit to spur further weight loss. 6

Several strategies can help overcome a weight loss plateau:

  • Combination therapy: If you are experiencing a plateau while taking tirzepatide, your healthcare provider may recommend adding phentermine to your regimen. If you plateau again with phentermine, they might switch it out with another weight loss medication.
  • Resistance training: While adding resistance training won't directly lead to weight loss, it's important for maintaining lean muscle mass as you slim down. Lean body mass is more metabolically active, helping you burn more calories even at rest. Therefore, ensure that your workout routine includes a balance of aerobic activities and resistance training. 6


Tirzepatide is a game-changing new medication for sustainable weight loss. While it takes time to build up to an effective dose, once you reach the "sweet spot," many people experience impressive weight loss results.

However, before starting tirzepatide, it's important to have an open discussion with your doctor about how long you plan to take it. Experts recommend treating obesity as a chronic condition and taking medications like tirzepatide long-term rather than as a short-term fix. This approach is supported by clinical research showing that study participants who stopped taking tirzepatide after achieving weight loss tended to regain most of the weight back.

The content in this article is intended for informational purposes only. This website does not provide medical advice. In all circumstances, you should always seek the advice of your physician and/or other qualified health professionals(s) for drug, medical conditions, or treatment advice. The content provided on this website is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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