Erectile dysfunction is one of the most common male medical conditions. If you are experiencing problems in the bedroom, you may feel the urge to keep it to yourself. There is no need to stay quiet because there are millions of men experiencing the same thing. The International Journal of Impotence Research estimates that the worldwide prevalence of ED is expected to increase to 322 million by 2025. 1
Around one in ten men are estimated to have ED at some point during their life, so it is likely a man in your life has experienced the same symptoms as you. The quicker you convey your symptoms to your doctor, the quicker you will be back to normal. Erectile dysfunction treatment may be prescribed to assist in your symptoms and improve your sex life. Medications are helpful, but there are several habits and lifestyle changes that may assist in your ED. Read on to learn more.
Stick to One or Two Beers
One or two drinks can bring that much-needed relaxed feeling after a stressful day, but you may want to stop there. Research has found that too much alcohol can affect the brain as well as the penis. Sober men can achieve an erection more quickly than intoxicated men, and some men cannot achieve an erection at all after heavy drinking.
Binge drinking involves drinking several alcoholic beverages in a short period. This type of drinking has the most negative side effect on the body and can directly affect your sexual health. Moderate drinking, which is two drinks a day for a man, is better than binge drinking, but men with ED problems may want to avoid booze for a while and see if it makes a difference in their sex life. Excessive alcohol use can have a domino effect on a man’s life. Those who drink are more likely to partake in the occasional cigarette, which can also cause symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Alcoholism can also wreak havoc on personal relationships, so if you need help abstaining from alcohol, you can talk to your doctor about treatment options. 2 Keeping your body weight in a healthy BMI (body mass index) range can improve male sexual health. If you are overweight, you are more likely to experience several health problems like type 2 diabetes and plaque build-up in the arteries. If your blood sugar regularly spikes due to high sugar in the bloodstream, the body may become unable to produce enough insulin to carry sugar from the bloodstream to the cells. This causes type 2 diabetes and the many complications that come with it. If you live with diabetes for a long time, you may experience nerve damage. Diabetic neuropathy can lead to nerve damage in the legs and feet. Around 50 percent of people with diabetes will experience this complication. 3 This complication can be disabling and may affect a man’s reproductive system. The nerve damage can cause erectile dysfunction and make it difficult for a man to achieve an erection, even with ED treatment. To avoid complications of obesity or being overweight, it is essential to find an activity you enjoy. This may take several tries, but finding an exercise you like can make the transition into an active lifestyle much easier. You may want to start your weight loss journey with walks around your neighborhood and expand your routine as you get more comfortable. Get Your Body Moving